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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Digital services for children and young people’s mental health

Take part in our survey and make your voice heard!

Your help is needed to make decisions about services that you can use on your phone or a tablet or laptop to help with your feelings and mental health.

It does not matter if you have not used or even heard of these things, we are still interested in what you think.

What we would like to know:

Are you using these services?

What do you find helpful or unhelpful?

What makes it easy to use them and what gets in the way?

MENTAL HEALTH involves understanding and managing your feelings like happiness, sadness, anger or excitement.

A SERVICE is something that is provided to help or assist people with specific needs.

By giving only 10-15 min of your time, you can help us make better decisions about the services we offer you.

The survey is anonymous, we won’t know who completes it.

Please note: This survey is now closed

Thank you for taking part!

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